Holy Angels National Catholic Church 1436 NE 26th St. Wilton Manors, Fl 33305 954-677-2987


Pastors & Staff

Msgr. James Forsythe

Fr. Jamie

Fr. Jamie Forsythe was installed as pastor and named a Monsignor in December of 2017. Ordained in 1983, Fr. Jamie spent 5 years in the Roman Church, then several years on staff of MCC of the Rockies in Denver before being named pastor of MCC of the Black Hills in South Dakota. He became involved with the Independent Catholic Church in Atlanta and served at St Michael's and then as pastor of Good Shepherd. He moved to Florida in 2004 and has served as an Associate Pastor at Holy Angels.

Father Paul


Father John


Deacon Kelly Graham

Parish Administrator

Deacon Kelly Graham was born in Massachusetts where she was a cradle Catholic.  Her family moved to Wilton Manors in 1973 when she was 7 years old.  She attended the University of Oklahoma and is an occupational therapist working with the elderly in rehabilitation.  She has been married since 1997 to her wife Leticia who is also very active in our parish.  Kelly has been a member of Holy Angels for over 10 years and was ordained a Deacon with us Easter of 2017.

Deacon John


Father Saul

Hispanic Ministry

Administrator Our Lady of Guadeloupe Mission

Fr. Saúl Mejía, originario de El Salvador. El padre Mejía estudió Ciencias Sociales en la Universidad de El Salvador, Filosofía en la Universidad Rafael Landivar (URL)  y Teología en la Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas (UCA) de El Salvador, ha sido delegado por la iglesia para viajar a Guatemala, Perú, y a la ciudad del Estado de Illinois en USA,  Joliet, trabajando en favor de la comunidad inmigrante en esas áreas.

El padre Saúl ocupo el cargo de secretario general de Confregua ( Conferencia de Religiosos y Religiosas de Guatemala)  y en Perú trabajo para las comunidades pobres del sur de Lima, creando programas sociales tales como: Food Bank (el banco de alimentos) y  proyectos de prevención de la violencia social.

Es ordenado sacerdote en National Catholic Church of North America en Abril 27, 2019 y es el encargado de los asuntos hispanos de su Diócesis y el Director de National Catholic Church Social Ministries.

Fr. Saúl Mejía, originally from El Salvador. Father Mejía studied Social Sciences at the University of El Salvador, Philosophy at the Rafael Landivar University (URL) and Theology at the José Simeón Cañas Central American University (UCA) of El Salvador, he has been delegated by the church to travel to Guatemala, Peru , and the city of the State of Illinois in the USA, Joliet, working in favor of the immigrant community in those areas.

Father Saúl held the position of general secretary of Confregua (Conference of Religious of Guatemala) and in Peru he worked for poor communities in the south of Lima, creating social programs such as: Food Bank (the food bank) and projects of prevention of social violence.

He was ordained a priest at the National Catholic Church of North America on April 27, 2019 and is in charge of Hispanic affairs for his Diocese and the Director of National Catholic Church Social Ministries.